Backing mission-driven founders since 2013.
GP: Sundeep Ahuja (3x founder).
Invest in the fund | Back the Syndicate
Also see: DVC (sister firm of Duro Ventures).
Initial investment $10k - $500k+; 95% of portfolio executing or exited; not all investments listed; most above were via my Syndicate.
Exits: Truebill (Rocket Companies), Prodigy (Upstart), Littlefund (UNest) CSPA (AngelList), HeyDoctor (GoodRx), Medumo (Philips), ReTargeter (Sellpoints)
Select Advisory (current & previous): Hooked, Edvo, Change.org, Indiegogo, Kiva
Also see: Climate Capital (my climate fund), DVC (sister firm to DV)